Ethnographic Research.

a study of the behaviour of my target market.

Kitchen (where/how my target market wasted water in their kitchen on a daily basis).

  • Over filling the kettle
  • Filling a whole sink up just to wash 1 item.
  • Tipping cooking water away after use.
  • Not turning off taps properly. Drips amount to a lot.
  • Not using a plug or wash bowl when using the sink to wash dishes by hand.
  • Running a dishwasher when its not full.
  • Washing less than full loads in the washing machine. Typical washing machines use 35-50 gallons per load whether full or not.

Bathroom (where/how my target market wasted water in their bathroom on a daily basis).

  • Running the tap whilst brushing their teeth or having a shave.
  • Showering for long periods of time with the shower on a high pressure setting.
  • Flushing the toilet every time they put paper in it.
  • Using more water than needed whilst having a bath.
  • Using the shower on a high temperature. Quite a lot of the water just evaporates.
  • Not turning off dripping taps.

from these observations I will begin to do existing product research then begin my design process.

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