water collecting vase, modelling and testing.

to prove that my theory for my idea works ive conducted some testing and made some models to explain the process. I can happily say that my idea works even on materials that are bad at collecting condensation such as plastic. these models are not meant to have any aesthetical appeal as they are just crude models to show the process however I have played around with the shape of some models to try an create better surfaces for collecting water.

so in the pictures of the large 2lr bottle you can see that plastic has done a mediocre job of collecting condensation I think its because its to warm and the condensation wont cool down quickly enough to return to liquid state. so I looked at other materials such as glass and aluminium, as you can see in pictures 2 and 3, so the glass tumbler collected a lot of moisture but struggled to turn it back to liquid. but the aluminium can collected the condensation very well and returned it back to its liquid state far quicker than the glass. as you can see it the picture below, this is just after 2 days of being in my bathroom and it has collected a considerable amount of water. enough to provide a family of 4 with water to brush their teeth.


Project 4; development

So here’s my development work on my lamp, I choose to develop this shape because it strikes me as unique also it doesn’t look like a Ferris wheel, which was a massive concern of mine because I didn’t want to confuse the user however I really like the shape but I needed alittle tweaking in some areas to make it more stable and usable, also I developed the channels where the water will be running!

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project 4; size

at the start I was considering making my lamp a free standing floor light, for this it would of had to be considerably bigger than a desk lamp, but I decided that it would be a bit silly to make it a free standing floor light because the user would not be able to interact with the light which is not what I want because it would make the whole project boring for me and as I want to see how people interact with my product and I want them to learn something from it is key that I make it intractable, so if I make it a smaller size such as 25 x 15 I think this would be a reasonable size for a desk lamp also it makes it small enough to be a desk lamp however large enough for the user to interact with it.